Take your first step to booking your next holiday by checking out our ferry timetables.

You can easily choose your next Irish Sea sailing from Cairnryan to Larne or Larne to Cairnryan by exploring our timetable to start planning your travels between Ireland and Scotland. This fast route will get you to the port of your choice within 2 hours.

If you’re looking for some added flexibility to allow for your plans changing we would recommend upgrading to a Standard Flexi or Fully Flexi ticket. Find out more about our ticket types on our Cairnryan to Larne route page.

Cairnryan to Larne  

14 Feb, 2025 0 crossings

Whether you’re holidaying in the Scottish Highlands, taking an adventurous road trip through Northern Ireland, or simply heading away for a day trip, our travel essentials will ensure you have a carefree trip. On our Cairnryan to Larne route there are endless options to have the most relaxing start and finish to your trip. 

Below are some options that you should consider before travelling on our Cairnryan to Larne ferry.

Travel Money

Reserve your cash at home, pick it up on the ship.

Breakdown Cover

RAC Comprehensive Plus European Cover is the most comprehensive cover you can get.

Travel Insurance

Whether you're planning a short trip or relaxing Mini Cruise around Europe, we'll help you find the right cover.

Check how our ferry services are running or if there are any road or rail delays that may impact your journey. We want to make sure you are kept up to date throughout your journey, so that you arrive at your destination stress-free and in good time.
